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California Primary ends

Super Tuesday saw wins for Republic candidate John McCain and democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in California, but no clear democratic front-runner emerged from the primary elections held in twenty-two states.

On the republican side, clear front-runner John McCain took the lead in California in the winner-take all system used by the Republican Party.

“Tonight I think we must get used to the idea that we are the Republican Party front-runner for the nomination of president of the United States. And I don’t really mind it one bit,” said John McCain on Tuesday night, according to

Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney got used to the idea of McCain being the republican front-runner- and quit the race.
The more closely watched race – the democratic primary – had both Sen. Clinton and Senator Barack Obama claiming wins. In California, Clinton won 53 percent of the democratic vote, Obama 38 percent.

“This is a great night for Hillary Clinton,” said Terry MacAuliffe, Clinton’s campaign manager, as quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle.

“As of right now, we have won more states and delegates than Senator Clinton. It’s a remarkable achievement we can all be proud of,” wrote Obama in an e-mail to supporters.

Voters rejected propositions on term limit extensions, gas taxes and community college funding, but approved the 4 propositions allowing tribal gaming to expand in southern California.

The large voter turnout, a record in California, was due in large part to the excitement over the presidential candidates.

Virginia Carter, a junior at Mills, said she was interested in the candidates because “it’s a first.”

Another junior, Loranne Bardson, voted for Obama in her home state of Alaska, which Obama won.

“When I saw him in San Francisco, he actually cared. It was not about being a politician [for Obama] but being an American.”

Out of the 2,025 delegates the democratic nominee needs to win, Clinton had 904 delegates while Obama had 704.