The Mills College Weekly earned two awards over the weekend, as well as an elected position to the board of the California College Media Association.
The Weekly took home CCMA’s 2nd place Best-in-Show, award for the second year, for the Feb. 17, 2005 issue, and also earned the 2nd place Best-in-Show for the Web site at www.millsweekly.com.
Additionally, Copy Chief Jennifer Poole was elected as the northern California student board member for CCMA and will serve along side southern California representative Melinda Dudley of UCLA.
Professional journalists from the San Jose Mercury News, the Sacramento Bee, the San Francisco Chronicle, and its partner Web site SFgate.com, judged the contests.
“I am incredibly proud of all of the women who dedicate their time and energy into making The Weekly as amazing as it is,” said Editor in Chief Laura K. Cucullu. “It’s a real honor to be receiving awards two years in a row.”
The Weekly’s adviser Sarah Pollock said she was “thrilled at the recognition for this accomplished group of students.”
“I'm also very appreciative of the support that the Mills community and President Holmgren has shown over the years for a free and independent student voice on campus,” Pollock said.
Judges particularly mentioned the coverage of important administration issues and campus connections to world news, including Arts Editor Glodean Champion’s story about Margo Okazawa-Rey’s contract and Asst. News Editor Taylor Conrad’s coverage of the Mills ECIW student who lost 19 family members in the tsunami.
Contests were held in association with the national 2004-2005 Associated Collegiate Press and CCMA College Newspaper Convention in San Francisco.