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ACP 2014 | Quiet, Please

Margaret Sullivan of The New York Times as the keynote speaker on Friday. (Photo by Mackenzie Fargo)
Margaret Sullivan of The New York Times as the keynote speaker on Friday. (Photo by Mackenzie Fargo)


Yes. That’s me. The Ssssshhh Lady. Every panel, every time, the talkers seem to find me and talk in my ear the entire time. They are talking about the cute boy or girl that they saw. They want to share with their friends the new picture they put up on Instagram. Oh, I’m sorry. Did my “sssshhh”-ing get in the way of your heart to heart? My apologies because I’m here to learn something.

From music critic George Varga who played chess with Ray Charles to Nicholas Whitaker of Google, there are spectacular discussions and opportunities to learn here at ACP. This is where you could potentially meet someone that will give you a job one day. This is where you could discover the genre of writing that you are actually passionate about. This is when you can use the excuse that you are a student so that you can pick the brain of Margaret Sullivan of The New York Times. And as smart or clever as you think you are, I promise that you could probably learn something. 

Maybe I’m an old lady. Maybe, I was just brought up with a different set of manners and expectations. But what I absolutely do know is that if you are talking in a panel when I am trying to listen, I will be mad.


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