I am a hungry person. Hungry for change, at least.
I began as a subscriber of the 15 meal plan specifically for the privilege of having a swipe at the Tea Shop and Suzie’s. It has been a huge advantage because most days I do not have time to walk to Founders. For me, lunch and dinner are both enjoyed as I walk from work to class or from class to work, which is provided to me only because of my $4 meal swipe.
I pay approximately $10 per meal with the 15 meal plan. ($4660 divided by approximately 32 weeks of school a year, divided by 15 meals a week equals about $10 a meal.) Not only am I paying $10 for a $4 swipe, but current signage in both the Tea Shop and Suzie’s has emphasized the fact that the privilege is limited to a daily swipe. Curious about the signage, I e-mailed dining services over a week ago. They still have not returned the message.
If I am limited to only one daily swipe, this will often mean that I must forego eating a meal. I enjoy Founder’s more than Suzie’s or the Tea Shop, but I don’t typically have time to eat my meals there – and I know I’m not alone. By limiting access to Suzie’s and the Tea Shop, Dining Services is not providing adequate services to the residential students on Mills campus. Providing for the needs of students should be a priority here at Mills. Do you feel prioritized, or are you still hungry for change?
Margee Churchon