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Question of the Week | October 11, 2011

This week saw the opening of a museum dedicated to Arnold Schwarzenneger in his home country of Austria.  The museum includes seven statues of him.  If you were going to have a statue erected in your honor, where would you put it and what pose would you be immortalized in?

“We would be wearing scrubs and
helping someone.  It would probably
go somewhere inside. Not outside —
that’s a little too flashy.”
Priscilla Reyes & Kristy Trinh,

“It would be a statue of me leaning
down and staring intensely.  I would
put it in my bathroom to look down
upon myself or anyone else who walks
in there.”
Ryan Page,
first-year grad student

“It would be me bowing down to
LaTasha Monique.  I would put it in
the T so everyone at Mills would know
what goes down in the OSA offices.”
Claudia Hernandez,

“I would immortalize myself doing a
meditative, contemplative, modern
dance pose.  Probably it would go in my
future garden.’”
Jacky De Kuijper,
first-year grad student

“I would be sitting in the fountain of
the Ether Monument in the public
garden in Boston.  The Ether
Monument memorializes the first
surgery using anesthesia.”
Nick Wang,
second-year grad student

Compiled By Lauren Soldano and Zara Sedore-Mallin