Items Approved
-The band Grizzly Bear has been sponsored at a cost of $250. They will play at the Mills chapel on March 4. The event is inclusive to Mills and the surrounding community.
-Erica Garcia will be hosting 28 girls from Unity High School. ASMC supports her efforts and has contributed $200 towards lunch for the students.
-Mujeres Unidas received a contribution of $300 toward their annual retreat. The entire Mills community is welcome to participate.
-Black History Month Committee received $200 for the ‘70s dance.
-Black Women’s Collective received $60 toward their efforts in electing a board for next year.
-Women’s A Capella group received $150. Their concert will take place Wednesday March 9, at 7p.m.. The funds will provide snacks for the evening.
-Lauren White received $250 for her band to perform their last concert at the Mills Chapel on April 5.
Community Committees Report
-Legislative Congress is currently working on their constitution, meanwhile members are participating in the retention focus group. Women’s Resource Chair is summarizing the results from the feedback forms. Alumnae Relations Chair reported on the resignation of the Alumnae Association president Anne Gillespie-Brown, ASMC continues to advocate for an independent AAMC. The recent departure of professor Margo Okazawa-Rey has raised concerns regarding protocols used in retaining and hiring faculty. ASMC will request clarification from the Provost’s office. Elections Chair is editing the elections and regulations information. Elections for next year will begin in April. Diversity Chair played a significant role during Black History Month events. The first Diversity board meeting will be held next week. Programming board and ASMC Vice-President Annie Flores are participating in Tsunami Relief Committee. Judicial Board is currently hearing cases. Academic Board is looking for new members. Co-Presidents Erika Rickard and Gloria Espinoza have submitted a report to Board of Trustees Educational Policies Committee.
Upcoming Events
-Pretty in Pink Prom, March 11 Student Union
-Mills March Madness the last week of March.
-ASMC executive board meets every Sunday at 8 p.m. in Suzie’s lounge. The meetings are open to the entire Mills community. Please submit your ideas and request by e-mail to our co-presidents, Erika Rickard or Gloria Espinoza.