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Crew Seniors Row, Row, Row Toward Graduation – Mary Kay Chin

Mills College Weekly

Speaking directly:

“I will forever be a rower. I hope to die in a boat.”

On Crew:

Rowed all 4 years at Mills. She considers it a lifestyle, not
just a sport. Said she will definitely continue to row after she
graduates, and it will be a deciding factor in the grad school she

After Mills:

Grad school is definitely in the plans, but she’s not sure where

What the coach said:

Mary Kay is the corner stone of this team. She has been with me
from the beginning and is my first four year rower to graduate.
Mary Kay is a great athlete, leader and person. She is the standard
I have used to hold others to. It is hard to imagine Mills Crew
without her but I know that she will do amazing things with her