Disabled students have difficulty finding parking and attribute the problem to people who use disabled spaces illegally.
With 1029 parking spaces on campus, 53 of which are designated as disabled, students say they are irritated when people park illegally.
According to Kennedy Golden, assistant dean of students, the issue of cars parking illegally in disabled spaces has always been an ongoing problem.
Although no complaints have been filed this semester, Ruth Masayko, director of disabled student services, said that normally this problem comes under most attention in the fall semester.
“A lot of complaints come in from people with permanent placards at the beginning of the fall semester, especially during orientation. There are a lot less complaints this year, [but it’s] very situational, some years it is down, some years it is up.”
In order to properly regulate the problem of illegal parking in disabled spaces, the office of public safety says that it would need more officers on the field.
“We try and hit those areas where people park illegally, but sometimes we don’t have the chance to ticket as much,” said a public safety officer who added that with a maximum of four officers working at any given moment, they simply don’t have the resources to properly ticket violaters, which entails a $50 fine.
However, this does little to comfort junior Leyna Tilbor who said that she can’t believe Mills women are inconsiderate enough to park illegally in handicapped spaces.
“I wrote a note to someone who had parked in the disabled parking and [later] found it on the ground,” she said.